UPSC Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT)
Online course for Civil Services Preliminary Examination. The course covers both, General Studies and General Aptitude.
01. Ancient Indian History
- Stone Age
- Indus Valley Civilization
- Vedic Culture (Aryans)
- Mahajanapadas
- Religions: Buddhism & Jainism
- Magadh Empire
- Alexander's Invasion of India
- Maurya Empire
- Kushan Empire
- Gupta Empire
- South Indian Dynasties
02. Medieval Indian History
- Delhi Sultanate
- Mughal Empire
- Emergence of New States
- Hyderabad
- Awadh
- Bengal
- Rajputs
- Sikhs
- Marathas
- Jats
03. Modern Indian History
- Start of Colonial Rule
- British Rule in India
- Wars of Modern India
- Economic Impact of British Rule
- Governor Generals of India: 1774 - 1858
- Viceroys of India
- Important Milestones of Modern India
04. Indian National Movement - I
- First War of Independence, 1857
- Indian National Congress
- Indian National Movement from 1905
- Gandhi, Rowlatt Act and Satyagraha
05. Indian National Movement - II
- Khilafat and Non-Cooperation Movement
- Civil Disobedience Movement
- Major Events of National Movement
- National Movement after 1940
- India After Independence
06. World History
- Ancient World
- Medieval World
- Modern World
- Age of Revolutions
- Imperialism and Colonialism
- World Wars
01. Constitution of India
- Developments Before Independence
- Formation of Indian Constitution
- Constitutional Values and Political System
- The Constitution of India
- Fundamental Rights
- Directive Principles of State Policy
- Constitutional Bodies
- Amendments
02. Indian Legislature
- Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
- Legislative Procedures
- Functions of Parliament
- State Legislature
03. Indian Executive
- Indian Executive
- President of India
- Powers of the President
04. Indian Judiciary
- Independent Judiciary
- Structure of Judiciary
- Judges
- High Court
- Supreme Court of India
- PIL and Judicial Review
05. Local Government
- Local Governments
- Panchayati Raj System
- Urban Local Government
06. People's Participation
- People's Participation in Democracy
- Elections
- Political Parties
- Pressure Groups and Interest Groups
- Indian Polity After Independence
01. The Earth
- Solar System
- Movements of the Earth
- Climate
- Spherical Coordinates of Earth
- Standard Time
- Internal Structure
- Outer Surface
- Continents of the World
- Oceans
- Movement of Sea Water
- Atmosphere
02. Physical Setting of India
- Location and Size of India
- Physical Features of India
- Northern Mountains
- Northern Plains
- Indian Plateau
- Coastal Plains
- Indian Islands
- River Systems in India
03. India and Climate
- Climate of India
- Climatic Seasons in India
- Mechanism of Monsoon
04. Natural Resources
- Natural Vegetation in India
- Wildlife in India
- Soils in India
- Agriculture in India
- Major Crops in India
05. Economy and Infrastructure
- Mineral Resources
- Energy Resources
- Industries in India
- Transport in India
05. World Geography
- Interior of the Earth
- Landforms on Earth's Surface
- Hydrosphere: Water on the Earth
- Atmosphere
- Pressure and Winds
- Weather and Climate
06. Human Resources
- Population as a Resource
01. Economic Concepts
- What is Economics
- Human Wants
- Goods and Services
- Basic Economic Activities
- Types of Economies
- Economic Growth and Development
- Central Problems of Economy
02. Money and Banking
- Barter System and Money
- Functions of Money
- Monetary Policy
- Banking System
- Saving
- Insurance
03. Government Budget and National Income
- Government Budget
- Budget Deficit and Fiscal Policy
- Concept of Income
- National Income
04. Indian Economy
- Features of Indian Economy
- Sectoral Aspects of Indian Economy
- Indian Economy after Independence
- Economic Liberalisation of 1991
- Challenges of Indian Economy
01. Natural Environment
- Natural Environment
- Adaptations in Organisms
- Population Interaction
- Population Growth
- Growth Curves
- Ecosystem
- Biotic Community
- Food Chain and Food Web
- Energy Flow in Ecosystem
- Biogeochemical or Nutrient Cycles
- Carbon Cycle
- Nitrogen Cycle
- Water Cycle
02. Environmental Problems
- Environmental Problems
- Acid Rain
- Natural Disasters
- Impact of Human Population
- Deforestation
- Pollution
- Waste and its Management
- Depletion of Ozone Layer
- Global Warming
- Photochemical Smog
03. Food, Nutrition and Health
- Food and Nutrition
- Diagnostic Techniques
- Nutrition in Plants - Photosynthesis
- Nutrition in Animals
- Nutrition in Humans
- Components of Food
- Disease
- Communicable Diseases
- Deficiency Diseases
- Immunization
01. Number Systems
- Introduction to Numbers
- Divisibility Rules
- Factorial
- Surds and Indices
- Fractions and Decimals
- Mathematical Operations
- Order of Operations
- Type of Numbers
- Even and Odd Numbers
- Factors and Multiples
- Prime and Composite Numbers
- Factorisation of Numbers
- Number of Factors
- Divisibility
02. Remainders
- Remainders
- Remainder Theorem Transformation
- Remainder Theorem
- Cyclicity of Numbers
- Successive Division
- Prime Numbers
- Fermat's Remainder Theorem
- Euler's Remainder Theorem
03. LCM and HCF
- Least Common Multiple
- Highest Common Factor
- Applications: Time & Work
- Applications: Circular Motion
- Applications: Number of Rows
- Applications: Finding Remainder
04. Exponents and Radicals
05. Percentages
- Percentages
06. Profit and Loss
- Profit and Loss
07. Interests
- Interests
08. Averages
- Averages
- Properties of Average
- Meaning of Central Value
- Average Involving Numbers
- Weighted Average
- Average Speed
09. Mixtures and Alligation
- Mixtures and Alligation
10. Permutation and Combination
- Permutation and Combination
11. Algebraic Expressions & Polynomials
- Algebraic Expressions & Polynomials
12. Linear Equations
- Equations
13. Quadratic Equations
14. Ratio, Proportion and Variation
- Ratio and Proportion
15. Arithmetic Progressions
- Arithmetic Sequence
16. Time and Work
- Time and Work
17. Speed, Time and Distance
- Speed, Time and Distance
18. Logarithms
19. Lines and Angles
- Geometry
20. Triangles
21. Quadrilaterals
22. Circles
23. Coordinate Geometry
24. Perimeters and Area of Plane Figures
- Mensuration
25. Surface Area and Volume of Solid Figures
26. Trigonometry
- Trigonometry
27. Heights and Distances
28. Data and Representation
29. Measures of Central Tendency
30. Probability
- Probability
31. Sets
- Sets
01. Non Verbal Reasoning
- Introduction
- Series Figures
- Figure Matrix
- Embedded Images
02. Syllogism
- Introduction
- Types of Statements
- Standard Format
- Universal Positive Statement
- Universal Negative Statement
- Particular Positive Statement
- Particular Negative Statement
- Single Statement Conclusions
- Two Statement Conclusions
03. LR Puzzles
- Introduction
04. Data Interpretation
- Data Interpretation